Monthly Archives: June 2015

The church biscuit: 56. Strawberry and mascarpone biscuits with white chocolate button topping

English strawberries have been very good this year with an intense characteristic sweetness and a medley of subtle flavour changes in the eating, from first bite through mastication, so I thought I’d try a strawberry biscuit. Now, I’ve never quite understood the notion of strawberry shortcake as both biscuit and fruit seem a bit too unyielding […]

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Arts and Crafts Gimson style rose monogram

  Although June has not been as lovely as we would wish it, the long light evenings have been particularly pleasant and permitted prolonged embroidery sessions. Rain has come mainly at night and although there has not been enough to satisfy the farmers, the crops are beginning to look impressive to the naive, i.e. me […]

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