Never have I been so behind for Christmas on the present making front. At the moment I shall probably have made just 2 presents – a cardigan for the smallest person and a jumper for the rapidly growing next smallest person. Ideas for handmade gifts for adult members of the family flew out of the window a couple of weeks ago and though for a few nights recently I lay in bed unable to sleep in the early hours and used the time to think through the making of a couple of Christmas stockings, I know nothing will come of those either. Daughter No 1 has commissioned an advent calendar for next year, so at my current work rate I should probably start that at Easter!

2019 Christmas card Angel, taken from Duncan Grant’s mural of Christ in Splendour, Berwick Church, near Brighton (hand embroidered and appliquéd by Mary Addison)
I just managed a Christmas card. This angel is the pair to the one I did 2 year’s ago and is taken from Duncan Grant’s painting of Christ in Splendour on the chancel arch in Berwick Church near Brighton. (More about the painting and the first angel on my blog here.) The first one I did is much better than this year’s – I’m not pleased with the head but there you go, it was either this or no Christmas card.
We’re off for a London Christmas, my first with the smallest people, so it should be great fun. Paddington Station is closing down completely for four days or so over Christmas, and after that will only have limited services, so we shall be staying for 10 days until the New Year. We’re just hoping all goes well with the trains tomorrow as we have a carol concert at St Paul’s Cathedral to get to for 3.30pm.
Meanwhile have a lovely Christmas, whether it’s quiet and ruminative or boisterous and exhausting, both of which can be equally enjoyable depending upon what has gone before.
A merry Christmas to you — as we say in the states. A Christmas concert in St. Paul’s! That sounds magical. Enjoy every minute of your trip.
Well yes, merry is good here too – it has a great Victorian ring to it, evoking jollity and feasting and we had plenty of those.
The carol concert was a good place to start Christmas and though the professional cleric in our midst had criticisms about certain organisational issues, we all enjoyed it – especially when the organ went into surround sound mode and flooded the building with waves of sound from both east and west ends!
I hope you have a lovely London Christmas!
London seemed empty and walking back from midnight mass in Islington felt almost rural. Well, sort of!
I hope that you have had a wonderful Christmas especially with the grandchildren!
Thank you, Bev.
We had a lovely time and remarkably managed to spend quite a lot of time with all ages in one room together completely amiable and with no tears!
I hope your Christmas was just as you wished it would be.
I always enjoy seeing your cards; the colors in this one are especially lovely! I hope you had a wonderful holiday and that January gets your 2020 off to a good start.
That’s lovely to hear, Ceci. Thank you.
After a busy Christmas, January is off to a bit of a slow start …but I’m picking up speed gradually!