Daily Archives: April 28, 2013

Ecru embroidered cushions with initials

 “Where men see white, women see ecru. Neuroscientists prove what we always suspected: the two sexes see the world differently.” This is the heading of an article in the Smithsonian Magazine, the online arm of Smithsonian Institution in Washington as it reports the results of recent academic research. The findings show that women are better at […]

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The church biscuit; a Sunday quest: 13. Viennese shortcake

One of the first things I remember making in school cookery lessons were Viennese shortcake fingers, so with boundless confidence I set about repeating my  earlier success. I dutifully followed a recipe in my standby book (1001 Cupcakes, Cookies & other tempting treats, ed Susannah Tee, pub. Paragon books, 2009) and was slightly alarmed at […]

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